
READ: How Saied Fard decided to leave a lucrative career in Finance and Management Consulting to pursue a new-age Social Connection App helping you connect better by better understanding yourself

Sit down with Saeid Fard, founder of Dimensional. Dimensional is a social connection app helps you better understand yourself and connect with others. 

Dimensional’s mobile app combines the world's best personality tests to give users practical guidance to improve their lives and relationships. Dimensional believes that when we understand ourselves, we are able to make decisions in harmony with our nature and when we understand others, we are able to build relationships based on honesty, empathy, and understanding.

We get into:

  • How he decided to give up a cushy job in management consulting and go full-time 

  • How social connection through technology is broken today 

  • The unique insights dimensional gives you about love work and beyond to help connect

  • Advice for aspiring founders


