READ: How Alli Webb started a 100 million dollar business with no college degree or business background

Today we’re chatting with Alli Webb. Yes, that's the woman who invited the life-changing concept for a hair salon that only does 40 dollar blowouts...also known as Drybar. Alli is cofounder of Drybar, Squeeze, Okay Humans, and Becket + Quill. On top of all of this, Alli was announced to be the new president of Canopy! This woman is the definition of a serial entrepreneur that has forged her own unique pass to success. In this conversation we discuss:

  • How Alli started a 100 million dollar business with no college degree or business background

  • The importance of following what feels fun & taking risks in your 20s

  • Societal pressures to have it "all figured out" at a young age

  • How to give up control

  • Navigating public hardships

  • Why things never go as planned & how to be okay with that

  • A message to young people to slow down & stop rushing through life

  • Why successful businesses are built out of necessity


Dr Lara Devgan

