READ: xVP of Marketing of Soul Cycle takes on air travel company, Blade, helping commuters go from airport, to business meeting, and back, in a fraction of the time

Sit down with Roisin Branch, CMO of Blade. Blade is a rapidly growing global air mobility platform that lets you commute by helicopter or seaplane within and around cities and jet to popular destinations. Hate the traffic between Manhattan <> JFK/Newark? No stress, Blade can get you from A to B in 5 minutes by helicopter. With operations in the US, Europe and Canada, if you’re a busy working professional that needs to zip from meetings to the airport, or traveling for leisure and wanting to spend less time in the logistics and more time in the leisure, Blade is for you. In this episode, we get into:

  • Roisin’s impressive career building brands at companies like Diageo, AB InBev, Equinox, and Soul Cycle.

  • Her approach to identifying the right companies to throw her career behind and what she looks for when she hires.

  • Her advice to ambitious listeners, those inspired by her journey, and the consumer brands she’s putting her name behind right now (*** watch these companies ***)



